Despite having hiked Bierstadt twice already myself, Lisa had never been up it, so we decided to tackle it together. For good measure, we brought Lonny along, since he and I had summitted it together two years ago (with the intention of proceeding on to Mt. Evans, but had to turn back on account of weather). We also had with us Kathy and Rurik Lubinski (and their dog Wiley) - some friends from work. Unfortunately, the weather was a little less than cooperative. We had partly cloudy skies, but temperatures that dropped down to 34 degrees, with a hefty amount of wind chill added for good measure. Alas, we still summitted and had a good time, despite the chill and snow (in August, no less).
Mt. Bierstadt and the Sawtooth in partly cloudy (and cold) skies
Rurik guiding Wiley across the stream
Snow enveloping the nearby peaks
Wiley, getting his blue rain coat put on
Lonny, Rurik, Cathy, and Brian
Mountain Goats along the trail
Mt. Evans, as seen just below Bierstadt's summit
Reaching the summit, for the third time
Lonny, preparing cheese and crackers (in the 30 degree weather)
Lisa, eating her tuna for lunch
Cathy, stretching
Lonny, performing his perfunctory role as "Parking Lot Pointer-outer"
A pika along the trail
Amplifying of their gay-ish photo from Longs, Lonny and Brian ham it up again!
Lisa, performing what appears to be a Mick Jagger impression