San Luis Peak (14,014 ft) We spent the 4th hiking up a very remote 14er in the San Juan mountain range. The peak is located about an hour south of Gunnison, which is to say it's really in the middle of nowhere. We camped the night before at the trailhead with Shari and Brad Post, Lonny Jacobson, and Andy and Laura Westmeyer. The hike was a long one: 13.2 miles round trip with 3600 feet of elevation gained, but we enjoyed clear weather in the morning!
The Toyotas on the road, with Andy taking a picture Baldy Alto (left) and Stewart Mountain (right) from the road. San Luis is hidden behind Baldy Alto The trailhead in the afternoon, San Luis's ridgeline is visible at the very far end of the valley The trailhead in the afternoon, San Luis's ridgeline is visible at the very far end of the valley The entire cargo of Brad and Shari's Land Cruiser - that's a lot of gear to carry with 6 people! Setting up camp An iris in the camp site Lisa hauls cargo Lisa and Lonny work to dig all of the meat and trash out of the fire that the previous camp occupants left When we pulled into the campsite, the previous camper was putting out the fire and heading out. After he left, we found 25-30 lbs of meat left in the fire, plus lots of trash that wouldn"t burn left in the pit, and around the campsite. Since we didn"t want critters coming in the night for the meat, we dug it all out, got the fire going and burned it. The trash we packed out. Lonny pulls out a large piece of salami Andy and Laura Shari and Brad Lonny goes for a piece of leftover burnt steak left by the previous campers Andy consolidates the leftover meat When we pulled into the campsite, the previous camper was putting out the fire and heading out. After he left, we found 25-30 lbs of meat left in the fire, plus lots of trash that wouldn"t burn left in the pit, and around the campsite. Since we didn"t want critters coming in the night for the meat, we dug it all out, got the fire going and burned it. The trash we packed out. Our campsite, the start of the Skyline trail segment of the Colorado Trail Brad focusing on a fork Andy and Lonny sawing firewood Sunset at camp Sunset at camp Lisa signs in at the trailhead Alpenglow on a ridgeline Morning reflections Our first glance of the summit, to the left of (and behind) the prominent peak Lisa amongst some willows, the flanks of Organ Mountain behind her Looking down the valley On the saddle between San Luis and Organ Mountain, the long summit ridge still ahead Looking back down towards the trailhead (around the valley on the right, out of view) Ridgelines, ridgelines, ridgelines Lisa in front of Baldy Alto peak Following the trail up the ridge One of many unnamed 13ers surrounding San Luis to the south Lisa on the summit Hiking down the trail, still above timberline Sunlight hits the ridgeline of San Luis Stewart Creek flows along the trail