Buffalo Mountain towers about 4000 feet above the valley floor of Summit county (Silverthorne), so it is a rather prominent member of the skyline (despite it being well below the typical 14,000 feet peaks I enjoy hiking). Lonny and I decided it was time to tackle this beast. It was a great hike that presented us with about 3,000 feet of vertical gain in 3 miles. The view from up top was wonderful, and we were joined by a family of goats that didn't seem to mind us too much.
Lonny, as we begin our trek
Greys and Torreys in the distance over Dillon Reservoir
Peak One and Tenmile Peak (above Frisco)
Wildernest (the location of the condo)
Mt. Guyot and Bald Mountain in the distance, Frisco down below
A cairn marking the trail through the boulder field
A view from the summit Click the image to see it full screen
A friendly goat at the summit
Another goat
Brian, taking photos of the goats that didn't seem to care that there were humans around
Two kids decide to join us on the summit
Mount of the Holy Cross in the distance (you can see the vertical portion of the white cross)
Lonny, photographing the landscape
The entire goat family
Lonny pointing to the condo
The kids seemed a bit skiddish around those of us at the top, so they hid behind some nearby rocks