Our good hiking friend Brad Post got excited when we bought our new 4Runner. He wanted to take us 4-Wheeling. We packed up the car and headed up towards Tincup Pass, an easy Jeep road that we could cut our teeth on. After the camping and driving, we dropped into Crested Butte to visit Lisa's sister, while Brad and company headed back over Hancock Pass.
Lisa, Lonny, and Brad
Brian, showing off the rock that we decided we didn't want to drive over
Brian, showing the first rock to cause minor body damage to the 4Runner (crushed running board)
Stopping for lunch below the Pomeroy Lakes
The Allie Bellie Mine
Brad and Andrew gathering dryish wood
Andrew making himself useful
Lonny and Andrew
Lisa, after having getting hit by Brian (who was killing a mosquito)...Brad going in for another kill
Brian, finally splitting a log after much effort
Everyone enjoying their fire-roasted corn
Eating corn by the campfire
Relaxing by a campfire
Time-lapse + green laser = fun
A green laser swept through smoke
Wildflowers in the morning
Sunrise, captured by Lonny
Lisa, caught mid-cough
Brian driving up Tincup Pass
Just below the summit of Tincup Pass
Shari, staying warm in the car
The summit of Tincup Pass
Brian, navigating the 4Runner through a stream crossing
Driving into Taylor Park, the Collegiate Peaks in the distance
View from the summit of Cumberland Pass
It's practically a Toyota ad!
A water tank on the way up to the Alpine Tunnel
Part of the old Denver, South Park and Pacific railbed
Brad and Shari examine what's left of the caved in Alpine Tunnel
Brian and Lisa at the Alpine Tunnel
The Alpine Tunnelm from farther away
The Alpine Tunnel railway station
The Alpine Tunnel grade road
View that the Alpine Tunnel route ascended (you can see the stretch of green along the righthand valley wall)
The 4Runner
The Post's Landcruiser crossing the Palisades
The 4Runner, before crossing the Palisades
Tomichi Pass, as seen from Hancock Pass
Brad heading up Hancock pass without us
Mt. Crested Butte
The Elk and Ruby ranges, from Mt. Crested Butte
A ground squirrel eating a carrot that a school kid gave him
A ground squirrel eating a carrot that a school kid gave him