Mt. Harvard (14,420 ft) and Mt. Columbia (14,073 ft) Backpacking Trip
Brad - ready to go
Shari has a few key trail advantages that Lonny and Brian don't have...
Brad and Shari
Brian and Lonny pumping water
Camp (Brian, Brad & Shari, and Lonny's tent from near to far)
The stream nearby camp
Making dinner whilst hunting mosquitos
The circle of death
Playing Scrabble in Brian's tent
Playing Scrabble in Brian's tent
Playing Scrabble in Brian's tent
Fun with a green laser
Fun with a green laser
Fun with a green laser
Brian - taking his standard arm-length photo (sans Lisa)
Alpenglow at dawn
Setting off on the trail on Sunday
Sunrise on Mt. Harvard
Lonny, Shari, and Brad, heading up the trail at about 12,000 feet
The "Rabbits" on the Harvard-Columbia ridgeline seem to resemble something...
...we thought it looked like a hiker talking to a squirrel
The Horn-Fork Basin above treeline
Mt. Yale, shortly after sunrise
Mt. Columbia
Goats up on the ridgeline
Mountain goats on the ridgeline
The dog (Ben) that I thought was a bear the night before at camp
Ben (the dog/bear) following Shari and Brad
The Horn-Fork Basin
Shari, pushing about 500 feet below the summit
Brian and Shari on the final push of the ascent of Harvard
Brian scrambling towards the Harvard summit
Brian, scrambling towards the Harvard summit - Mt. Columbia in the backdrop
Lonny, precariously poised at the edge of the summit
On the summit of Harvard (Missouri and Belford in the immediate background)
Brian, leaning against the summit high point
Shari, descending one of many dirt shoots
Lonny on a steep section of trail
Part of our "ardous" traverse below the Harvard-Columbia ridgeline
Lonny and Brad, taking a break above a snowfield
Mt. Columbia finally visible in the distance
Lonny and Shari trudging through the boulderfield
Brad, Lonny and Shari
Shari, with our traverse behind her
Brad goofing off on a rock
Brad, photographing atop Mt. Columbia (Buena Vista in the backdrop)
The obligatory Columbia summit photo (Harvard behind us on the left)
Brad and Mt. Harvard
Brian and Lonny scoping out the descent route
A marmot, mugging for the camera
Mt. Yale, across the Horn-Fork Basin
Brian, taking a break on the steep descent
Shari and Brad...Shari's pretty much done at this point
The steep descent of Mt. Columbia (Mt. Harvard in distance)
An alternate descent - the "scree shoot of death"...can you spot the two people in it?
Lonny, taking a break on his descent
Brian taking a break on the steep descent
Attempting to fit four people laying down in my tent
Attempting to fit four people laying down in my tent
Drying our rain flies - or are the trees pretending to be ghosts?
A false summit on Mt. Yale
Packing out