Since the first trip that Lisa and I took to Moab back in 2001 we've wanted to explore Utah and the canyons of the Colorado Plateau. We finally had a chance to see more on this road trip, visiting Capitol Reef National Park, Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument, Bryce Canyon National Park, Zion National Park, the Grand Canyon, and the Lake Powell area. For good measure, we tacked on the Sand Dunes on the way home as well! This is the first set of photos from our trip covering Capitol Reef, Grand Staircase, and Bryce Canyon.
Amy enjoys some stickers in the car
Capitol Reef
Amy was super excited about her own bed in the hotel that she jumped in as soon as it was made
Capitol Reef
Capitol Reef
Capitol Reef
Hiking through Grand Wash in Capitol Reef National Park
Hiking through Grand Wash in Capitol Reef National Park
Hiking through Grand Wash in Capitol Reef National Park
Hiking through Grand Wash in Capitol Reef National Park
The Pioneer Register in Grand Wash with signatures from the late 1800's
Hiking through Grand Wash in Capitol Reef National Park
Hiking through Grand Wash in Capitol Reef National Park
Hiking through Grand Wash in Capitol Reef National Park
Hiking through Grand Wash in Capitol Reef National Park
Hiking through Grand Wash in Capitol Reef National Park
Hiking through Grand Wash in Capitol Reef National Park
Hiking through Grand Wash in Capitol Reef National Park
Hiking through Grand Wash in Capitol Reef National Park
Driving through Grand Wash
Grand Wash
Capitol Reef
Capitol Reef
Capitol Gorge
Amy asleep on the trail
Capitol Gorge
Capitol Gorge
Capitol Gorge
Capitol Reef
Capitol Reef
Capitol Reef
Capitol Reef
Long Canyon
Singing Canyon
Singing Canyon
Singing Canyon
Singing Canyon
Singing Canyon
Singing Canyon
Singing Canyon
Singing Canyon
Singing Canyon
Singing Canyon
Singing Canyon
Long Canyon
Looking down from Highway 12 into Calf Creek Canyon
Calf Creek Canyon
Calf Creek Canyon
Calf Creek Canyon
Calf Creek Canyon
One of the millions of caterpillers we saw on the trail. After this stretch of trail, we literally saw thousands upon thousands of the caterpillers everywhere, falling from trees about every second or so.
Calf Creek Canyon
Lower Calf Creek Falls
Calf Creek Canyon
Highway 12 nearing Escalante
Highway 12 nearing Escalante
Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon
Amy holds on to her hat (and Brian's hat) to keep them from blowing off in the strong wind