Eiseman Hut is one of 16 10th Mountain Division Hut Association huts that's located north of the town (and ski area) of Vail. The hike in is 6.8 miles, gaining nearly 3000 feet of elevation - a gruelling slog to say the least. This trip had a rather sedate group of 12 and saw very snowy weather, only yielding views on the last day of our trek.
Doug presents the gift of French Vanilla and Jasmine hand lotion to Roy, in memory of the Harry Gates hut trip Rurik struggles to lift his pack Doug and Shaun Hiking up the Spraddle Creek road Lonny looks up at the trail across the valley Roy on the trail Jim hikes down off the road to the trail after missing the turn Hiking up through the aspens Shaun tackles the tough aspen hill Mount of the Holy Cross and Vail Lonny hides behind Jim Aspens Brian and Jay hike another steep section of trail Lonny climbing "The Wall", already about 150 ft up Arriving at the hut - just a little bit of snow on the roof Vail and Holy Cross The empty hut The empty hut The back bedrooms The back bedrooms The back bedrooms Lonny arrives at the hut Rurik recovers from the hike in a unique way Jay, Jim, and Roy reach the hut Mount of the Holy Cross, Vail, and Beaver Creek, all from the hut's deck Rurik, always a slave to fashion Shaun decides the best way to recover from the hike in was to crawl into his sleeping bag A knarly looking ridge in the distance and the Eiseman snow fence Tory and Doug "All In" Allen arrive at the hut Tory admires the French Vanilla Glade Candle that Lonny brought up mmm....Glade Candles.... Rurik filters some water Hearts (Denver rules, not Cincinnati rules...) A birds-eye view of the hut Doug brings in snow for water Visibility: low Falling snow the morning of Day 2 Jay uses the "loft" to take some pictures Making breakfast Buckets of snow Relaxing around the fire Brian chops wood A photo from inside the snow cave Shaun inside the snow cave Jay inside the cave Jay and Shaun The two outhouse stalls...note the cow jumping over the moon Lonny preps for our wintery excursion Snow drifts above the hut The low visibility creates an interesting effect with the trees Brian in winter garb 20 foot tall snow drifts on the ridge crest A snowy bowl below the ridge Lonny has fun descending a snowy ridge Eiseman Hut from up above Scrabble and Texas Hold'em to pass the time Everyone's doing Sudoku Shaun, sledding on one of the snow shovels ...and wiping out Rurik goes for the run Tory boils some water on the wood burning stove Rime frost on hiking poles About a foot of snow fell during the night Shoveling off the porch before our departure ...but not everywhere Dark skies to the north Brian's ghetto tripod (mini tripod+snow shovel) for the group shot The Eiseman Hut group: Doug, Jim, Lonny, Roy, Gerri, Shaun, Rurik, Tory, Jami, Susan, Brian, and Jay Snow shovels on the hut wall Leaving the hut Snow and rime frost covers the trees Susan, Jami, and Gerry Our first casualty (but not the last) to the deep snow: Susan Roy breaking trail Rurik descending the deep snow Shaun descends the fast way Shaun reaches the precipice of "The Wall" Another snow casualty: Rurik does a faceplant Descending The Wall with fresh snow Recovering from multiple face plants, Shaun and Rurik are ready to go Jim goes down! Jay tackles The Wall Jami and Gerry tackling The Wall Jami Jay and Shaun Mini avalanches off to the side of the trail on our descent Roy and Lonny Shaun makes a snowman Moss and snow Jim stops to catch his breath - Vail in the distance Jim, Roy, and Rurik Snow covered aspens Rurik of the north Brian High above the Vail valley