A weekend in Harry Gates Hut After having such a great time last year in Margy's Hut, Lisa and I (and 13 others) decided to trek up to Harry Gates Hut - another hut in the 10th Mountain Division Hut Association series of huts. 13 of us snowshoed in, and two skied the 6.4 mile, 2000 vertical foot climb. There was plenty of food and alcohol to go around once we were there, and we all had a great time. Of course, when you're surrounded with such astonishing natural beauty, it's hard not to have fun.
Jen and Elizabeth in the car Lisa and her filthy car Lisa, Brian, Tami, and Tory Jen, Elizabeth (Snort), Tami, and Kris (Mad Dog, Little Spoon, Tablespoon, Captain Spatula) People quickly garnered nicknames on this trip - partially because there were three Chris"s and two Brian"s... Harry Gates Hut Trip Brian Mary Kate Hiking along the trail Carlos in his high-styling snowshoeing capri pants Trailblazer Roy Brian Chris (Tinkle) Taking a shortcut by a powerline "Billy Goat" Hill Harry Gates Hut Harry Gates Hut Trip Everyone relaxing by the fire Mt. Yeckel in the distance Avalanche Peak at sunset Brian and Carlos A cloudy morning Brian and MK - somehow remarkably color coordinated with their respective bedding Avalanche Peak The previous hut residence left us a snowman Andy snaps some morning photos Andy and Lisa at breakfast Kris (Mad dog, etc...) Carlos takes in some sun Looking west towards the hut Harry Gates Hut Trip Andy and Brian Brian Andy Lime Creek Canyon Roy, Brian, Chris, and Kris Brian Andy Kevin Chris, Carlos, Kris Roy Chris returns from a hike Cigars on the deck Chris listens to some of the superbowl on the radio There was lots of laughing... ...while some relaxed Carlos, enjoying a prototype of the Roy-jito Tami and Tory Elizabeth and Tami Roy Lisa knits Tory and Carlos pick up Kris as punishment for the lime-aid fiasco (of car 5) Andy - looking ready to face adventure Arm wrestling MK in the snow Tami, Mary Kate, and Jen Clark Peak (left) and Mount Daly (right) flank Capitol Peak (center) Mount Sopris The entire group From top left, clockwise: Andy, Brian, Chris, Kevin, Elizabeth, Jen, Mary Kate, Chris, Lisa, Carlos, Kris, Tami, Tory, Roy, Brian Brian and Lisa Elizabeth, Kris, and Brian Lisa's ready to go Tory Leaving the hut Carlos, sporting the latest in winter fashion The hike out Tami and Elizabeth on our descent Lisa Brian, after recovering one of other Brian's lost cross-country skis The Limeade culprits